
Esperanto is a neutral international language. It belongs to no one, like open source software. A basic reason for Esperanto is to enable communication for all, irrespective of nationality, religion, and political barriers - communication of equals, where nobody has to struggle with someone else's language and feel at a disadvantage.

Esperanto does not aim to eliminate ethnic languages. On the contrary, Esperanto speakers advocate and contribute to the conservation of languages and cultures of minority peoples. Esperanto was proposed in 1987 by L.L. Zamenhof. He defined its basic ideals and principles. It has a logical and consistent grammar and lexicon, based on word forms used in other languages, giving a preference to word roots that are common to many languages. That gives it the advantage of being easier to learn than any other language. Esperanto has become a living, constantly evolving language. Its simplicity does not mean that it is primitive. Esperanto can be used in all fields of human activity.

See also: What is Esperanto?

greeny 2018-03-20 02h27
