Content can be created in many languages.

The word search facilities are currently only in some languages.

Unicode just works

Diacritics are allowed in words and in clues (For example à, é, ï, ò, ú, ü, ê, ĉ, ĝ, ŭ ). Answers and Clues are stored in UTF-8


In some languages, when users enter a word while solving a crossword, a simple transliteration algorithm is used to determine whether the answer is correct. So “Gesê” and “gese” are considered to be the same when checking answers for correctness in Afrikaans.

New languages are basically implemented as follows

  • Changes to new languages can be created initially in the wiki.
  • Puzzles can initially be created in a new language.
  • The next step is to create a new dictionary. Source material for new dictionaries can often be found as open source.
  • All text in Web applications must be translated into the new language.

donaldo 2017-06-13 07h11
