Use the Crossword search page to find a crossword to solve.
You can search by crossword title, type, difficulty and language. Once you have found a crossword you want to solve, open it by clicking on the title.
You can navigate around the crossword:
The Word search tool is available below each crossword.
Use the Thesaurus search to find related words.
Or use a Word pattern search if you know some of the letters contained in the answer. Enter a 'template' indicating how many letters the word you are searching for contains. For example, a???? will return related 5 letter words starting with an “a”.
You can save up to nine different crosswords while you are working on them.
Chose a save slot 1 to 9. Be careful that you don't accidentally over-write another crossword you are still working on by selecting the slot you previously saved it in.
You can also rate the quality and difficulty of the crossword when you save it.
There are many Internet pages which describe how to set and solve cryptic crosswords in English. One good one is: How to Solve a Cryptic Crossword.
krisvan 2017-10-29 22h58