Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I find something in the wiki?

List all wiki pages using the Directory link on the left wiki menu. Use the wiki search button with the search box on the top right of this wiki page. Use the English wiki Home page.

I am struggling to get my puzzle published. What do I have to do?

When you save the crossword you will get an indication in the top section whether your puzzle is ready for publishing. Next to each puzzle clue you will get an indication if there is an error. If you get a message like missing word(clues) NNNN over "answer" then you possibly need to add a clue. A fundamental crossword rule is that every word that crosses another word needs a clue. Two letters adjacent to each other require a clue in the direction of the two letters.

For more info see How to build a crossword

How promote my puzzle or hide it from puzzle searches ?

Full Members can set a puzzle from being listed publicly,- or set a puzzle to enhanced visibility. Simply edit the puzzle and set visible to unlisted or promoted

How does the paypal system work?

Donations result in full membership. For more about Full Membership see Puzzlefoundry roles. Here is more about payments.

How do I print a puzzle ?

You can print your puzzle after you have published it. Then simply use your browser menu at this stage (Eg File -> Print)

How do I create a new wiki page? (Full Members)

The best way is: Create a wiki link in an existing page where the target link does not have an existing page. Click on the link to create the page. (Another way is to use the 'Create page' link in the wiki menu)

Why is my new wiki page (link) not working?

If your link contains characters that aren't allowed, then the Wiki won't recognize it. In general, we use CamelCase (New words begin with capital letters instead of spaces). The following characters are allowed in wiki links:

  • Normal Ascii characters [a-zA-Z],
  • Numbers [0-9] and
  • The punctuation marks [.-_]

Check out the Markdown introduction page.

krisvan 2018-01-25 21h36
